I know what you're thinking, "Rules?? There are rules?" Well, yes, there are rules and for good reason, too. Though you may not think it. They are pretty simple in fact.
1. Must be Tamora Pierce Tortallan fanfiction or Harry Potter. They'll have their own separate contests. I have only read two of the Circle of magic books and am not fit to judge those.
2. No NC-17 or R rated fanfics here. I would appreciate not getting slash. I am not comfortable with it and do not feel that it needs to be here.
3. Send the fanfic to me as soon as you can. That's not really a rule...
4. Judging shall occur at the end of the month...That's not a rule either...
5. You can only enter one fanfic per month per contest. The contests shall be different. For a while we're only going to have general TP and HP fic contests. Later I might have a fun one with more rules or so.
6. Have fun and be creative. Ready to enter? Click here.